This website currently is maintained by Roy A. Johnson. (Website of Friedrich Vornkahl).
Link to other websites of interest to Vornkahl history and genealogy:
Below is the Vornkahl “network,” a list of persons having interest in Vornkahl history and genealogy. This list has been assembled and is coordinated by Ulli Schröder.
Nettlingen Vornkahls
Stefan Beate
Jeff Brunenn
Monika Burgdorf
Scarlet VornKahl Davis
Inge Hantelmann
Dirk Vornkahl
Friedrich Vornkahl (own website, see above)
Karen Vorn Kahl
Martin Wolff
Hoheneggelsen Vornkahls
Roy A. Johnson
Carol Loges Sturdivant
Berel Vornkahls
Eike Bock (Berel website, see above)
Rainer Buchholz
Doris Hageman
Wendy McKim
Anna Schrader
Andreas Schröder
Ulrich Schröder
Nordassel Vornkahls
Gerry Kroll (own website)
Thomas Lonicer
Hackenstedt Vornkahls
Anna Fornkahl Phillips
Robert Brinkopf
Wilfried Buchterkirche
Jerry Lee Frank
David Statler (own website)
Kay Stein
Judy Tuccinardi
Joe Voshage
Gifhorn Vornkahls
William Frederick Vornkahl, V
Other Vornkahls (Hannover, Westerlinde, Grasdorf, etc.)
Günther Freutel
Elke Warmbold